Your General Practitioner in Siemensstadt

We are pleased to welcome you to our GP / internal medicine practice. We are a team of five doctors and ten medical assistants. You will find our surgery at Heilmannring 74, located on the Siemensstadt ring road in Charlottenburg-Nord.  


Surgery Hours

Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 18:30

Friday: 07:30 - 14:00


Acute consultation hours Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (please make an appointment by telephone)


Corona consultation / smear tests Monday - Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Important: by appointment only!


Our medical spectrum includes the following services:


Complete family medical care including home visits.

Vaccinations (including Covid19).

Pulmonary function, ECG.

Ultrasound & laboratory.





You can reach us daily (Mo-Fr) by telephone from 7.30 a.m. 


Telephone: +49 30 3819051



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